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英語科、ありがとう! ~閉科式を行いました~



 佐藤利正校長は式の中で「30年前に英語科が新設された当時は、国際化社会で活躍できる人材育成を目指していた。しかし、急激に加速している社会のグローバル化の中で『英語科生徒のもっている高い英語運用能力を、全ての高校生がもつべきである』という時代の要請のもと、英語科を発展的に閉科することになった。 国際化は英語でinternationalize。それは『国と国どうしの関係化』という意味である。当時はまだ国境が意識され、英語は異文化を理解する手段であった。グローバル化のglobeとは、『地球』という意味である。現在では世界は一つの地球として捉えられ、国境を意識できないほど文化が複雑に絡み、新たな文化・価値が形成されている。これからは、新たな価値を創り出していく手段として、英語がある。 これまで英語科の生徒が身に付けてきた実践的英語運用能力と、それを支えてきた教員の指導経験は、これからも、秋田南高校の中に生かされていく。」と話しました。


Firstly, I would like to thank you for having such a special ceremony. I'm honored to be standing before you today.

Three years ago, I became a student of Minami High School's English course. In the English course, I learned a lot of things. Not only did I improve my English, but I also came to understand the diversity of cultures. I experienced many kind of events related to English.

I think I speak for all of us in class 3G when I say that the most important experiences for all of us were the classes with ALTs throughout our 3 years. We learned English and different cultures. We of course studied how to write essays in English and how to present our own opinions in public, like I'm doing right now,but also got very used to having English conversations in real life.

I joined the English camp in my first year, and English village in my second year. It was very interesting to communicate with exchange students and ALTs and to make presentations. Our school trip was in Sydney, Australia. I really enjoyed going around the city with my friends. It was a wonderful time because I could talk with people there and it increased my confidence.

Recently, I participated in the English camp for junior high school students as a staff member. I was really impressed with the process creating their presentations.

Soon I am going to graduate from high school, and study in the US. Although there will be many difficult things on my way, I'm completely filled with hope. I have studied English very hard, but I am not perfect. There are so many things I still do not know and I still make mistakes when I speak English. But that is one of the reasons why I want to study overseas. I can say full of confidence that if I will continue to make efforts, I will continue to grow and improve.

This is not only for me, but also for all of you.

I really appreciate the English course which has raised me. Thank you so much for listening.


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